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Culinary heritage

Poppy, spices and buckwheat - oriental influences in Krakow's cuisine


Oriental influences are among the earliest ones to be noted in the culinary arts of Krakow. All this is due to the city's presence on the most important trade routes of mediaeval Europe.

Krakow brews beer: from medieval 'marcowe' to contemporary IPA


Beer has been the most popular beverage since time immemorial. It has been drunk both cold and mulled. People from all walks of life drink beer.

Krakow-style coffee encounters


In the 19th century, locals drank coffee mainly at home. Elegant cafes started to crop up together with Austrian officials. And coffee shops soon became the new way of socialising in Krakow.

Pancakes with cheese, 'pirogi' and bread - Jadwiga and Władysław Jagiełło's cuisine


Jadwiga and Władysław Jagiełło took their meals separately - the king preferred eating solely in a male group, while the queen often entertained guests at the table.

Jour fixe and five o'clocks: social life in old Krakow


In the 18th century, Krakow’s locals met mainly at homes. Restaurants were few and far between, usually adjacent to hotels and used mainly by travellers.

Formal balls and municipal celebrations in 19th century Krakow


Balls were popular among 19th-century residents of Krakow as they sated the locals’ hungry appetite for entertainment and gossip. During the carnival season balls took place nearly every day, even during the difficult periods of the 19th century.

Vodkas and sweets – Krakow’s first patisseries


The development of pastry shops and cafes was an important driver of the town's growth. In "Czas" magazine from 1856, patisserie Redolfi, located right on the Main Market Square, is described as a focal point of a lens where all beams of knowledge cross. Before Krakow residents started visiting cafes en masse, patisseries used to be their usual meeting point.

Confecta and electuaria – prescription sweets


Peculiar sweets from the times of Jadwiga and Jagiełło were confecta and electuaria. The accounts of the court record that they were purchased for carnisprivium, or the Slavic carnival called zapusty. It remains unknown whether they were eaten for pleasure or to mitigate the side effects of lavish meals.

Krakow cuisine: maczanka, liptauer and sandwiches


To unearth the culinary heritage of Krakow, we need to go back to the times of the Austro-Hungarian Empire - says food journalist Magdalena Kasprzyk-Chevriaux.

Compendium ferculorum – the first Polish cookery book


Published in Krakow in 1682 “Compendium ferculorum, a collection of recipies” is the first fully preserved Polish cookery book.

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