Culinary Heritage

Herbaria: chickpeas, skirret and poorer quality meat

Sweets from old Krakow: cakes, gingerbread and cheesecakes

Krakowski Obwarzanek, Kukiełka and Prądnicki bread – Bread with a history behind it

Products from the Malopolska Region with a Protected Geographical Indication

Products from the Malopolska Region with a Protected Designation of Origin

Kaszka krakowska - from a Tatar yurt to the royal court

Queen Bona Sforza and her culinary legacy

Kirmess dinners of Jagiellonian University professors

Chickpeas and artichokes - things that used to be grown in Krakow

Barbara Radziwiłłówna's cuisine: offal and violets

Poppy, spices and buckwheat - oriental influences in Krakow's cuisine

Krakow brews beer: from medieval 'marcowe' to contemporary IPA

Krakow-style coffee encounters

Pancakes with cheese, 'pirogi' and bread - Jadwiga and Władysław Jagiełło's cuisine